Yorkshire Anomalies Research Project

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The aim of this project is to collect measurements from environmental sensors, along with the output of random number generators, situated in key locations around East Yorkshire, UK and identify any correlations between those measurements and reports of anomalous phenomena. It is our hope that such an approach will reveal previously unknown relationships between known physical processes and paranormal events, deepen our understanding of the phenomena, and suggest avenues for future research.

If you'd like to support us please visit our GoFundMe page.


What kind of "phenomena" are we talking about?

Certain "constellations" of phenomena which will be familiar to anyone acquainted with the literature of high strangeness:

  • Intelligent lightforms (ILFs) - a term first coined by Paul Sinclair to describe encounters with luminous orbs ("balls of light") which behave with apparent intelligence and sometimes exhibit a connection with the mental state of the witness.
  • Sightings of unidentified airborne structured craft, sometimes associated with experiences of missing time and the subsequent manifestation of various medical ailments. A military presence has been observed during many of these events.
  • Numerous sightings of a creature possessing the physical characteristics of both human and canine and largely corresponding to the notion of a "werewolf" as conceived in historical record and popular culture.
  • Livestock mutilations not easily attributable to the activity of any known natural predator.
  • Missing persons who seemingly vanish "into thin air" under puzzling circumstances.
What types of sensors will be used?
  • Magnetometer
  • Accelerometer
  • Gyroscope
  • Gamma Radiation
  • EMF
  • Sound Energy
  • Temperature/Pressure/Humidity
  • Random Number Generator

The sensors are assembled in an enclosure which is plugged into a small computer. The computer is responsible for recording sensor measurements and sending them to a central server. The combination of sensors and computer is referred to as a "data collection unit" (DCU).

What do random numbers have to do with anything?

There is a growing body of research linking certain consciousness and psi-related phenomena to the output of random number generators. In a nutshell, deviation from randomness (i.e. reduction of entropy) has been observed to correlate with phenomena adjacent to those of interest to this project.

Two noteworthy examples of research conducted in this domain are The Global Consciousness Project and the now defunct Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Lab.

We feel this is an area worth exploring in relation to the events in Yorkshire.

How many locations will be monitored?

We plan to deploy a total of five DCUs in various locations.

How will the locations be selected?

There are two main criteria:

  • Physical proximity to locations of past anomalous events
  • Availability of people willing to host a DCU

The precise locations of the DCUs will not be made public in order to protect the privacy of the hosts.

If you are interested in hosting a DCU please reach out to us!

When will the project start?

We plan to have the data collection units deployed and collecting data by spring/summer of 2022.

How long will the project last?

Data will be collected for a period of one year, after which a formal analysis of the results will be conducted along with an assessment of whether to extend the duration of the study.

Will the data and results of the analysis be made public?

Yes! Data collected during the study will be made publicly accessible through a real-time "dashboard" and also available for download in CSV format.

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Check out the demo dashboard, which is displaying sensor data collected from my office.

The results of any analysis of the data will also be published online and publicly accessible. No personally identifiable information will be collected.

Where can I learn more about this?

The best source of information on the strange events in Yorkshire is Paul Sinclair's website, books, and YouTube channel.

How do I get in touch if I have questions?

Please feel free to contact Alec Vallintine at [email protected].